Crossing Over: The Multifandom Card Game
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How to play

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How to play Empty How to play

Post by Admin Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:45 am

There is a lot of information here, so it may be hard to read all at once. Take some breaks and maybe read some parts again just to make sure you fully understand the game. Also, many rules are presented in this guide, but usually there will be a card that will break a rule, so trust cards over this guide

Crossing over game play is based on playing character cards and giving them power cards to attack and use abilities against the opponent's characters until all of the opponent's characters faint. The game also utilizes assists, events, and character boosts.

To begin we recommend using this pre-made Fullmetal Alchemist deck

Before we begin the guide, here are some terms and symbols you need to know

  • Health points and attack points: health points is how much health a character has as a number, damage points is how much of those health points an attack will take away  
  • Action: something a character can do once per turn if they have enough power (note: you may not use two different actions that a character has on the same turn)
  • Attack: a character action that does damage
  • Ability: a character action that does not do damage, or an effect that is on a character (possibly only after a certain power is reached)
  • * : an amount of healing done (e.g. 6* would be an ability or assist that does 6 healing)
  • + : an amount of attack boost (e.g. +7 would mean all that character's attacks do seven more damage
  • Next to: a character that is to the right or left of another character
  • Rallied: above, below, to the right and left (no diagonals)
  • Adjacent: above below to the right and left and diagonals

Types of Cards

Character Cards

Character cards are the cards that do all the action. You play them anywhere on your playing field and power them up to use their attacks and abilities. You can play power cards on characters, and they have as much power as the sum of the power cards attached. Once they reach enough power to perform and attack or ability they can perform one attack once a turn.

How to play QsC1nB2

Pairing Cards:
Cards sometimes have the name of another card in their sidebar. If the character is placed next to the character in their sidebar the card gains +5 and five extra health. Usually two characters will have each other in their sidebars, but sometimes there is a third

The Color Cycle and Phases:
At the beginning of every turn you are in a phase. During that phase, you may only play cards of the phase color. You may change it only once per turn. the current phase will always be the same for you and your opponent, i.e. when you change it it changes for your opponent to. The cycle goes like this: green>yellow>red>back to green, repeating.

Power Cards

How to play VmH7VcN

Power cards are each given a value from one to three. They are used by attaching them to characters to allow them to use their abilities and attacks. Before attaching them to characters you must put them in your ready pile for one turn. You may only put three value (eg a one and two power card or three one power) into your ready pile per turn and you may only play three cards from your ready pile per turn


How to play SjuJEfY

Assists help your team, either by helping them once, or attaching to one of your characters permanently, or by doing something to the enemy. There are several different types of assists

Character Assists (CA):
Only helps a specific character

Food Assists (FA):
These assists only help a character once, either by healing them or giving them a temporary boost.

Item Assists (IA):  
These assists are attached permanently to a character to help them in some way.

Weapon and Armor Assists (AA, WA):
Like item assists, they attach permanently to a character. However only one armor assist and one weapon assist may be attached to each character.

Special Assists (SA):
Special assists are more powerful than normal assist, but you can only have three in your deck.


How to play H3yKbl0

Events are much like assist, but they affect both players and stay in play until either player plays a different event.


How to play ZWRgfFh

Instants are bad for you, but you have to have them. As soon as you draw one, you must play it. Sometimes they can be bad for your opponent too, but that just means they’re worse for you.


How to play 2AtLajU
How to play 73ihVap

Just like with most card games, you have your draw and discard piles. You also have your ready pile where you put power for one turn before you attach it to a player. Lastly you have your playing field which is a 2x5 grid where you can play your characters

To start the game, pick out seven cards for your starting hand. Only green characters, one power and assist cards(no special assists) are allowed in your opening hand.

Begin by playing your characters in your playing field, then you can attach assists and ready power, and play events and power once you have them. You may use an action for each character (if they are powered up) every turn. Your opponent decides where all attacks hit, but you decide where all abilities hit. It doesn’t matter what order you do anything in, but it’s a good idea to stay organized. At the end of your turn, draw until you have seven cards.

During your opponent's turn you decide where their attacks land. If a character runs out of health they faint and get placed in your discard pile.

You can win by either making all of your opponent's characters faint, or if your opponent runs out of cards. Some decks also have instant wins, these wins are unique to the deck, and once the requirements are met it gives an instant win, regardless of other things happening in the game. You and your opponent must agree whether or not to use instant wins before you begin to play.

Things to Remeber

  • Cards can break rules
  • The phase cycle is green>yellow>red>back to green
  • You can only ready three value of energy and only play three value out of your ready pile
  • Your opponent decides where attacks hit, you decide where abilities hit
  • Events last until another event is played
  • At the END of your turn draw until you have seven card

Playing Online

Ideally you would play in real life with another friend, but usually you have someone you want to play with that you are not in the same room as. here is a format you can use to play against someone by just sending them text.

Any events, instants, or assists you played that turn
The readied power you have (e.g. 1,1,1,2 if you had three one power and one two power)
A list of all your characters in the following format
Name (current hp/total hp) (attached power(this can just be a total, not all the cards you have)) (any attached items) +(this indicates that they are next to a character that pairs with them)
All attacks done this turn, and any of their effects (e.g. 5,6,3 if you had a five, six, and three attack)
All abilities done this turn and their effects
The current phase
All your characters positioned on the grid e.g.
Or you can just send them a picture

Your opponent should know what fandoms ar in your deck so that they can look at the cards online when you play them.

Here’s an example of the message I would send after making the following moves
My first turn I played Alex Armstrong above May Chang and between Kain Furey and Lan Fan and readied three one energy.
This turn I start by readying a two power and a one power. I  play Riza Hawkeye on the other side of Kain as well as Ling Yao on the other side of Lan (Ling and Lan are paired so they both get a boost),changing it to yellow phase, and attach two energy to Alex and one to Ian. I also use War of Ishval and attach philosopher's stone to riza as well as black hayate.

My message would look like this
War of ishval, philosopher’s stone, black hayate
Alex Armstrong (14/14) 2p
May Chang (15/15)
Kain Furey (10/10)
Lan Fan (20/20) 1p +
Ling Yao (20/20)    +
Riza (15/15) (black hayate) (philosopher’s stone)
Armstrong charm (here I would put two of my opponent's characters who won’t be able to use their abilities next turn)
Yellow phase

Playing Without Cards
Ideally you would be playing with actual printed out cards, but alas, ink is expensive. You can still create a deck without having to print out all the cards  though by creating a numbered list on a table (in a program like microsoft excel) and using a Random Number Generator to draw cards. make sure to delete the cards you draw from the list and keep track of the cards in your hand and on the grid. you can write stuff down or use the table to help keep track of everything

building a deck
This is a list of requirements you must make when making your own deck out cards

  • You may mix card between fandoms, but you may only have a maximum of three fandoms in a deck
  • All decks must have 10 one power, 6 two power, and 4 three power. No more, no less.
  • A deck may have up to 10 green characters, 5 red characters, and 3 red characters
  • All decks Must have 3 instants
  • A deck may only have 3 special assists

Posts : 16
Join date : 2015-06-15
Location : watching you play to make sure you don't cheat :-)

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